Another post from me,about something that is really wrong in this world...(Church and religion).
The Church must change or close the door's.I've been reading in the Vanguard about the story of 6 or so men that came forward with something that is the worst thing that could happen to you as a child,being sexually abused by a priest.
It seems to be an ongoing problem in our religion that has been going on for years...this is not the first time it has happened and it is not the last.
All over the world,thousands of people have been abused by priests,and one reason for this is the fact that priest cannot get married,have a wife and have their own kids,so who wants to become a priest ?...Ill tell you who,a bunch of wierdos.
I've heard some comments from people that are saying"why are they only coming out with this now" and "they are only doing it for money"shame on you if thats the way you think.I'm sure that these men had a hard time to tell anyone,it is imbarrasing,im sure to tell someone.
I got stories about people that sat in the front of the church and seemed to be great people too,but they were the worst kind,and this is why i dont believe much in church myself..Church is where you go to die.Im getting married next winter down south where its warm and there is no way i want to do it in a damn church.
So if they dont change the rule about priests getting married and living a normal life,all we are gonna have are weirdo's ...so they might as well close all the churches anyhow cause in another 10 years there wont be anyone going.
And if you think im wrong and you agree with child molesting priests,please raise your arm.
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