that is good news because last year it opened at 3.25$..the lobster buyers told us that after christmas that they might not be able to buy our lobsters,so everyone sold at a crappy price,and by new years the price went to 8.00 bucks.Everyone that was not a fisherman said"oh wow 8 bucks,that must make the fisherman happy"..well not really,if anything it pissed me off more,it deosnt help me if we all sold our lobster because of the scare tactics of the buyers.
So the gloom and doom story has been used,and even after all the gloom and doom of last year the price did go up by new year.so they cant use the same story twice.Thanks to their scare tactics i lost about 10,000 dollars last year cause of the buyers,so if we get less than 5.00 bucks a pound i will be pissed.
Someone said once"well the buyers only make 35 cents a pound"oh well in that case i have one thing to say...boo fucking hoo..do the math,if a buyer buys 2 million pounds..which alot do..they just made a measly 700,000$..so to think we have to go out there and fish and make thousands of dollars less doesnt seem fair.
the economic crisis would be over if the buyers could give us a fair price...where is fair trade when you need it.
Hey Kris... just wondering who won the mug last month?